After taking her team out for lunch and spending $350 on the meal, Damalie watched the local news that night featuring the plight of a 9 year old girl who was close to death because she could not get access to medical aid. Her ear had been bitten off by a dog, she was taken to hospital and after 4 days, her father was given a bill of $80. Unable to afford the bill, the girl’s father stealthily got her, left the hospital in the night and returned home. Her condition deteriorated and by the time the media found her, she was close to death.
For $80 dollars a young life was about to be lost yet a handful of people had eaten four times that for lunch and had certainly lost it in bowel movements.
Damalie shared this burden with her husband who gave her the green light to follow her dream.
Having successfully developed the investment clubs concept and how they had transformed the savings and investment culture among the women and youth in Kampala, an idea was born that was later to become ‘Lend a Hand’ offering light at the end of the tunnel.
Damalie shared this vision with some friends who encouraged her and promised to ‘Lend a Hand’ not only with financial resources but also sharing their skill and time to those who needed help.
By each one lending a hand, many lives out there will be directly or indirectly impacted.
Kind Hearts Fall In
Subsequently, the family together with friends have often pooled resources to ease medical access to individuals but as the numbers kept growing, it was time to scale it up by starting LaH
Whereas many people supported the idea directly and indirectly, given their time schedules, not many were available to directly participate in its birth until Damalie met up with Kiiza and Babirye who immediately jumped on the band wagon and helped LaH off its feet.
This opportunity to touch a life out there is being shared with you.
Partner with LaH and see how your contribution can bring rays of light to many lives.
Say a silent prayer, share wise counsel or donate, it will be greatly appreciated.